Tsopela Tag

Samos’ coastline is dotted with amazing beaches, some large with on-beach services; others small and isolated. In the north-east of Samos you’ll find the small pebbled beaches of Gagou, Kerveli, Agia Paraskevi and the beautiful Livadaki, a small exotic beach with light-coloured sand. Continuing along the northern side of the island, a series of magical beaches unfolds before you. Kokkari and Lemonakia beaches with
pebbles and deep, crystal clean waters, the famed Tsamadou beach, Avlakia and Tsambou beaches, and of course the pebbled small beach at Mikro Seitani with its deep, crystal clean waters set against the backdrop of a wild and enchanting landscape and its sister beach, Megalo Seitani, with coarse sand and quite deep, crystal clean waters. Megalo Seitani is the beach where the protected seal species Monachus monachus comes ashore and has been declared a Special Protection Area.

Samos’ coastline is dotted with amazing beaches

Equally, the southern side of the island lacks nothing when it comes to pebbly or sandy beaches. In the southeast, if you like pebbly beaches, choose Posidonio or Mullah Ibrahim, Klima, or the long white sandy Mykali beach with its on-beach services or Tsopela, Pythagorio, Potokaki, Glykoriza and Heraion beaches, all of which have a mix of sand and pebble. For absolutely magical sands head to Psili Ammos beach. In the southwest you’ll find Balos beach with pebbles, Kambos Marathokambou with sand and small pebbles and two of the island’s most beautiful
beaches, Psili Ammos (also known as Chrysi Ammos) and Limnionas with coarse sand and small pebbles as well as deep, crystal clear waters.